Product Details

The Simple Health Management Course

The Simple Health Management Course


Simple Health Management presents The Simple Health Management Course (SHMC). This 9-week course delves into various topics such as nutrition, physical activity, weight management, disease prevention, alcohol, hydration, supplements, debunking fitness myths, and much more. The SHMC presents information in a simplistic and captivating manner, keeping you engaged the whole time. This course is not designed to be a “9-week get fit quick challenge”; it is designed to be a 9-week course where you learn along the way and take away invaluable information that you will use for the rest of your life. As the saying goes, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.”

The centrepiece of the course is the 340+ page eBook designed to enhance your health, weight, strength, and mindset over the 9-week period. The Simple Health Management Course eBook guides you through the entire 9 weeks and provides you with new tasks to introduce at the end of each week. This course offers a gradual and systematic approach to equip you with all the necessary knowledge needed to reach your health goals. Accompanied by complementary materials such as a meal plan, weight training program, and more, the Simple Health Management Course is what you need to achieve your health and wellness goals in a structured and effective manner, ensuring a holistic approach to your overall health and lifestyle.